Hey folks! So here I am, writing about the 4th week of a new life chapter.
This Saturday I finally had a medical check-up. I was appointed for Karma medical center, which was quite annoying but alright. Overall I liked how the system operates here.
People around seem very friendly, open minded and respectful.
I am surrounded by people from all over the world. If I thought Sri Lanka helps me to make friends from everywhere, nope networking in Dxb is amazing.
Polina asked me to mention that I throw our home keys out together with the garbage and she had to dig the whole container in order to find them. Ooopsi.
So what is the deal with natural (or organic, if you prefer) food here? everything tastes like plastic.
There are only Lexuses in Uber service.
VPN is banned.
I am not sure if Dubai can be my long-term base.
That's it for now. Tchao!